
Data: How different are US vs. UK vs. CA Amazon keywords?

Published On August 3, 2016

Yesterday we officially announced the release of our New International Version of the Amazon keyword tool.

Today we get to play around with it :)

Let’s search the term “scissors” in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada.

Here’s a look at the top exported results in a spreadsheet for easy comparison:

Image of International Keyword Results

Note: This isn’t a complete list, just a screenshot of the top results for each country.

Highlighting Differences

I highlighted any stuff word that wasn’t present in the results for all three countries.

So, for instance, the word “bandage” was present in 123 US keywords, but only 1 keyword in Canada and 0 in the United Kingdom!

Since it was entirely missing from the UK search, I highlighted it as a point of difference between countries.

Raw Number of Results

As you can see from the top line of the spreadsheet, the US search resulted in 1394 scissors-related results. Meanwhile, the Canadian search found 145 and UK found 243.

Why such a big difference?

It’s not that scissors are less common in the other countries. It’s that Amazon US gets so many more visitors than the other countries, and therefore has a lot more data it can use to suggest relevant searches.

It’s no secret that Amazon US is the largest region in terms of sales volume. But selling in other regions is still a no-brainer because you increase your overall sales… and foreign markets are often much less competitive, too.

Mix and Match Across Regions

What strikes me most about this list of differences is that almost all of the words in the above list are words normally used in the US. They just don’t show up in the suggested search.

Because of that, I’m inclined to borrow some of these UK and CA words and toss them into my US listing!

I certainly wouldn’t mind ranking for an extra related keyword.

And there are certainly a ton of British and Canadian people living in the US.

If their searches are ignored by the majority of your competitors, you could pick up a few extra sales every month just for tossing one foreign brand name or slang term into the hidden keywords section of your product listing.

For instance, the keyword “hairdressing” shows up in 89 keywords in the UK. It’s the most commonly used word from the UK list, and yet it is completely absent from the US search.

Looking the other direction, if you’re selling in the UK or Canada, you’ll certainly want to borrow some US keywords since there’s so much more data available. You can be sure that many of the US keywords are searched in other countries. They just don’t show up in the suggested search since those regions have less data.

Look at Your Own Keywords

Our new international keyword tool unlocks a massive amount of useful information.

Click Here to search your own keywords right now!

To your success,

Bobby MacDonald

P.S. As we add new features and make entirely new tools public, the monthly price for new customers will go up. But if you join now, you’ll stay grandfathered into our current pricing. Don’t miss out!